Stakeholders' Relations

Over the years, the Company has expanded its scale of operations with capacity expansion

Shareholders Structure

Click on the category's label to view details about each category

10% and above 21,882,900 total shares 72.943%
Takamul Investment Co. SAOC 9,799,000 32.663%
Civil Services Employees Pension Fund 4,500,000 15.000%
Al Saud Co. Ltd  3,027,525 10.092%
Others (759 Nos) 4,556,375 15.188%
5 - 10% 4,253,153 total shares 14.177%
Oman Oil Marketing Co. 2,753,153 9.177%
Royal Court- Employees Pension Fund 1,500,000 5.000%
2 - 5% 1,454,623 total shares 4.849%
Heirs of Hilal Saud Al Busaidi 837,194 2.791%
Mohamed Hamad Mohamed Al Harthy 617,429 2.058%
Less than 2% 2,409,324 total shares 8.031%
Omar Ahmed Salim Qatan 439,372 1.465%
Public authority for Social Insurance 343,086 1.144%
Petroleum Development Oman –Omani Pension Fund 324,488 1.082%
Imad Jaffar Mohammed Sajwani 250,000 0.833%
Royal Oman Police Pension Fund  226,346 0.754%
Ubhar Capital Co 215,491 0.718%
Al Adawi Trading and Contracting 200,000 0.667%
Azan Shanfari 180,000 0.600%
Total 30,000,000 total shares 100.000%
Total 30,000,000 100.000%

Financial Information

Click on the item names to compare values between years

Only the last 5 years are shown. For older statements, please visit the archives tab

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 5,633,604 2,675,878 2,514,382 3,138,365 2,749,566
Right of use assets - - - 268,681 239,944
Investment in an associate - 1,984,296 1,839,874 1,849,393 -
Available for sale investments 165,000 - - - -
Totalnon-current assets 5,798,604 4,660,174 4,354,256 5,256,439 2,989,510
Current assets
Inventories 1,073,047 155,561 160,107 175,850 232,260
Trade and other receivables 2,959,146 1,465,112 1,727,088 2,475,345 2,051,995
Bank balances and cash 772,132 4,477,794 2,196,766 2,538,938 4,540,051
Available for sale investments - - - - -
Totalcurrent assets 4,804,325 6,098,467 4,083,961 5,190,133 6,824,306
Totalassets 10,602,929 10,758,641 8,438,217 10,446,572 9,813,816
Share capital 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000
Statutory reserve 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
General reserve 198,672 - - - -
Special reserve 1,457,067 1,457,067 1,457,067 1,457,067 1,457,067
Land revaluation reserve 1,110,887 1,110,887 1,110,887 1,110,887 753,887
Retained earnings 1,473,571 2,159,009 231,873 621,257 436,728
Totalequity 8,240,197 8,726,963 6,799,827 7,189,211 6,647,682
Non-current liabilities
Employees' end of service benefits 190,438 120,644 53,230 56,261 61,200
Non-current portion of finance lease - 197,261 144,656 - -
Non-current portion of term loan - - - 797,718 582,951
Non-current portion of lease liabilities - - - 250,336 219,878
Deferred tax liability 201,120 194,320 199,010 195,624 148,520
Totalnon-current liabilities 391,558 512,225 396,896 1,299,939 1,012,549
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 1,850,654 836,787 1,098,498 1,687,993 2,383,315
Bank overdrafts - 350,088 - - -
Current portion of finance lease - 40,564 55,055 - -
Current portion of term loan - - - 202,707 231,122
Current portion of lease liabilities - - - 22,909 21,634
Tax payable 120,520 292,014 87,941 43,813 48,577
Totalcurrent liabilities 1,971,174 1,519,453 1,241,494 1,957,422 2,684,648
Total liabilities 2,362,732 2,031,678 1,638,390 3,257,361 3,697,197
Totalequity and liabilities 10,602,929 10,758,641 8,438,217 10,446,572 10,344,879
Net assets per share 0.275 0.291 0.227 0.24 0.222

Click on the item names to compare values between years

Only the last 5 years are shown. For older statements, please visit the archives tab

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Profit before income tax 912,229 1,671,886 310,248 429,811 455,366
Allowance for slow-moving inventories 9,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 -
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 577,640 335,198 227,929 213,730 299,350
Provision reversed on slow-moving inventories -3,527 -158,769 - - -24,578
Dividend income - -8,767 -1,241 - -
Share of loss from associate - - 144,422 -9,519 253,003
Interest income - -8,460 -48,773 -77,625 -110,161
Provision for employees’ end of service benefits 27,308 33,702 - - 13,514
Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment (net) -425 -10,000 - - -45,155
Write-off of provision for doubtful debts -6,855 -73,004 - - -
Depreciation on right-of-use assets - - - 28,659 28,737
Allowance for doubtful debts 41,010 32,650 - - -
Operating profit before working capital adjustments 1,556,380 1,817,436 635,585 588,056 870,076
Working capital changes
Inventories -54,700 1,073,255 -7,546 -18,743 -31,832
Trade and other receivables -1,483,481 1,534,388 -262,026 -750,425 -111,335
Trade and other payables 513,252 -1,013,867 261,723 589,495 695,322
Cash flows from operations 531,451 3,411,212 627,736 408,383 1,422,231
Income tax paid -169,840 -120,426 -289,692 -87,941 -43,813
Employees’ end of service benefits paid -2,224 -103,496 -82,499 -6,111 -8,575
Net cash flow fromoperating activities -552,842 1,515,404 -54,703 -115,480 914,477
Investment in an associate 3,522 10,000 - - -
Movement in term deposit 650,000 - - - -
Purchase of property, plant and equipment -83,399 -769,308 -69 -837,713 -330,551
Dividend received - 8,767 1,241 - -
Proceeds on property, plant and equipment relating to the disposal of business division - 3,391,836 - - 45,155
Interest received - 8,460 48,773 77,625 110,161
Proceeds on sale of investments in available for sale - 165,000 - - -
Net cash flow frominvesting activities 570,123 830,459 67,982 -760,088 -175,235
Fund from finance lease - 237,825 - - -
Finance charges on lease liabilities - - - 17,180 17,951
Dividends paid -1,050,000 -900,000 -2,159,009 - -600,000
Term loans (net) - - -38,114 800,714 -186,352
Finance charges paid - - -33,107 -59,825 -98,183
Lease liabilities (net) - - - -31,960 -45,934
Net cash flow fromfinancing activities -1,050,000 -662,175 -2,230,230 726,109 -912,518
Change in cash and cash equivalents 651,642 7,483,280 290,063 2,819,290 2,821,028
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 Jan 892,622 1,544,264 9,027,544 9,317,607 12,136,897
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 Dec 1,544,264 9,027,544 9,317,607 12,136,897 14,957,925

Click on the item names to compare values between years

Only the last 5 years are shown. For older statements, please visit the archives tab

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Revenue 9,210,711 9,089,093 8,669,245 11,833,448 16,114,242
Cost of sales -7,775,486 -7,867,786 -7,701,107 -10,875,314 -15,233,234
Gross profit 1,435,225 1,221,307 968,138 958,134 881,008
Allowance for expected credit loss (net) - - -12,055 7,147 -3,622
Gain on disposal of business division - 1,467,040 - - 453,610
Administrative and general expenses -625,212 -1,120,504 -637,514 -631,951 -744,119
Other income 102,216 100,579 172,208 149,787 219,675
Share of profit of an associate - 3,464 -144,422 9,519 -253,003
Allowance for slow-moving inventories - - -3,000 -3,000 -
Profit before finance charges and income tax 912,229 1,671,886 343,355 489,636 553,549
Finance charges - - -33,107 -59,825 -98,183
Profit before income tax 912,229 1,671,886 310,248 429,811 455,366
Income tax expense -107,743 -285,120 -90,310 -40,427 -64,473
Profit for the year 804,486 1,386,766 219,938 389,384 390,893
Revaluation of land (net of tax) - - - - -420,000
Total comprehensive income for the year 804,486 1,386,766 219,938 389,384 -29,107
Earnings per share 0.027 0.046 0.007 0.013 -0.001

Click on the item names to compare values between years

Only the last 5 years are shown. For older statements, please visit the archives tab

Share capital Statutory reserve General reserve Special reserve Land revaluation reserve Retained earnings Total equity
Shareholders' Equity as of Jan 1 3,000,000 1,000,000 198,672 1,457,067 1,110,887 1,719,085 8,485,711
Transition adjustment on adoption of IFRS 9 - - - - - - -
Shareholders' Equity as of Jan 1 (adjusted) 3,000,000 1,000,000 198,672 1,457,067 1,110,887 1,473,571 8,240,197
Profit for the year - - - - - 804,486 804,486
Other comprehensive income - - - - - - -
Total comprehensive income - - - - - 804,486 804,486
Transfer to retained earnings - - - - - - -
Dividend paid for the previous year - - - - - -1,050,000 -1,050,000
Shareholders' Equity as of Dec 31 3,000,000 1,000,000 198,672 1,457,067 1,110,887 1,473,571 8,240,197
Shareholders' Equity as of Jan 1 3,000,000 1,000,000 198,672 1,457,067 1,110,887 1,473,571 8,240,197
Transition adjustment on adoption of IFRS 9 - - - - - - -
Shareholders' Equity as of Jan 1 (adjusted) 3,000,000 1,000,000 - 1,457,067 1,110,887 2,159,009 8,726,963
Profit for the year - - - - - 1,386,766 1,386,766
Other comprehensive income - - - - - - -
Total comprehensive income - - - - - 1,386,766 1,386,766
Transfer to retained earnings - - -198,672 - - 198,672 -
Dividend paid for the previous year - - - - - -900,000 -900,000
Shareholders' Equity as of Dec 31 3,000,000 1,000,000 - 1,457,067 1,110,887 2,159,009 8,726,963
Shareholders' Equity as of Jan 1 3,000,000 1,000,000 - 1,457,067 1,110,887 2,159,009 8,726,963
Transition adjustment on adoption of IFRS 9 - - - - - 11,935 11,935
Shareholders' Equity as of Jan 1 (adjusted) 3,000,000 1,000,000 - 1,457,067 1,110,887 243,808 6,811,762
Profit for the year - - - - - 219,938 219,938
Other comprehensive income - - - - - - -
Total comprehensive income - - - - - 219,938 219,938
Transfer to retained earnings - - - - - - -
Dividend paid for the previous year - - - - - -2,159,009 -2,159,009
Shareholders' Equity as of Dec 31 3,000,000 1,000,000 - 1,457,067 1,110,887 231,873 6,799,827
Shareholders' Equity as of Jan 1 3,000,000 1,000,000 - 1,457,067 1,110,887 231,873 6,799,827
Transition adjustment on adoption of IFRS 9 - - - - - - -
Shareholders' Equity as of Jan 1 (adjusted) 3,000,000 1,000,000 - 1,457,067 1,110,887 621,257 7,189,211
Profit for the year - - - - - 389,384 389,384
Other comprehensive income - - - - - - -
Total comprehensive income - - - - - 389,384 389,384
Transfer to retained earnings - - - - - - -
Dividend paid for the previous year - - - - - - -
Shareholders' Equity as of Dec 31 3,000,000 1,000,000 - 1,457,067 1,110,887 621,257 7,189,211
Shareholders' Equity as of Jan 1 3,000,000 1,000,000 - 1,457,067 1,110,887 621,257 7,189,211
Transition adjustment on adoption of IFRS 9 - - - - - - -
Shareholders' Equity as of Jan 1 (adjusted) 3,000,000 1,000,000 - 1,457,067 753,887 436,728 6,647,682
Profit for the year - - - - - 415,471 415,471
Other comprehensive income - - - - - - -
Total comprehensive income - - - - - 415,471 415,471
Transfer to retained earnings - - - - - - -
Dividend paid for the previous year - - - - - -600,000 -600,000
Shareholders' Equity as of Dec 31 3,000,000 1,000,000 - 1,457,067 753,887 436,728 6,647,682


Net Profit (OMR) 415,471
Retained Earnings (OMR) 436,728
Paid up Capital (OMR) 3,000,000
# of Shares 3,000,000
% on Paid up Capital 15%
Bzs per share 0.145
Amount (OMR) 435,000
% on Retained Earnings 100%
Net Profit (OMR) 389,384
Retained Earnings (OMR) 621,256
Paid up Capital (OMR) 3,000,000
# of Shares 30,000,000
% on Paid up Capital 20%
Bzs per share 0.020
Amount (OMR) 600,000
% on Retained Earnings 97%
Net Profit (OMR) 219,938
Retained Earnings (OMR) 231,872
Paid up Capital (OMR) 3,000,000
# of Shares 30,000,000
% on Paid up Capital 0%
Bzs per share 0.000
Amount (OMR) 0
% on Retained Earnings 0%
Net Profit (OMR) 1,386,766
Retained Earnings (OMR) 1,960,337
Paid up Capital (OMR) 3,000,000
# of Shares 30,000,000
% on Paid up Capital 72%
Bzs per share 0.072
Amount (OMR) 2,159,010
% on Retained Earnings 110%
Net Profit (OMR) 804,486
Retained Earnings (OMR) 1,473,571
Paid up Capital (OMR) 3,000,000
# of Shares 30,000,000
% on Paid up Capital 30%
Bzs per share 0.030
Amount (OMR) 900,000
% on Retained Earnings 61%
Net Profit (OMR) 1,311,742
Retained Earnings (OMR) 1,719,085
Paid up Capital (OMR) 3,000,000
# of Shares 30,000,000
% on Paid up Capital 35%
Bzs per share 0.035
Amount (OMR) 1,050,000
% on Retained Earnings 61%
Net Profit (OMR) 1,363,539
Retained Earnings (OMR) 1,607,343
Paid up Capital (OMR) 3,000,000
# of Shares 30,000,000
% on Paid up Capital 40%
Bzs per share 0.040
Amount (OMR) 1,200,000
% on Retained Earnings 75%

Annual Reports



