The easiest way to get your gas cylinder

mGas Terms & Conditions for End User
Please read the terms and conditions carefully before using the mGas end user mobile application.
By using the mGas end user mobile application, you agree to the terms and conditions below.
You agree that the mGas end user Service, including but not limited to: mGas products, graphics, user interface, editorial content, text and software used to implement the mGas end user Service contains information and materials owned by Muscat Gas SAOG. or its licensors , and is protected by intellectual property rights including but not limited to trademark, copyright and other laws. You agree that you will not use such information or materials in any way for personal or professional purposes except as necessary to use the mGas end user service in accordance with this Agreement.
The mGas mobile application aims to facilitate Interaction and correspondence between operators and customers wishing to purchase gas cylinders through orange trucks using the mGas App.
The mGas mobile application aims to provide a platform for receiving and distributing orders for: exchange, filling, receiving and delivery of gas cylinders, empty cylinders, regulators, spare parts, and other products and services to users of the operators platform or the consumer platform. Where the user of the mobile application submits the order by making payments through the mGas end user application via online payment solutions or cash to the operator of Orange trucks directly and the registered operator shall Be entitled to an agreed-upon amount in exchange of
accepting and delivering the orders
As the purpose of the mGas mobile application is to facilitate the communication between the end user and the operator of the orange truck for selling gas cylinders and as the developer and operator of the mGas mobile application, the mGas App Management, maintains the highest standards of safety and quality and aims to be accurate in the delivery of the order with no delay in delivery, Considering an acceptable margin of delay In emergency cases
The car operator is responsible for the weight, size, condition, type, time and method of delivery of the gas cylinders. Moreover, he is not responsible for any difficulties, material, or moral damage that the consumer may experience or that may result from this sale.
mGas Privacy Terms
It should be noted that the mGas Management will strictly maintain the confidentiality of user information, will keep it in the database of the company and will not disclose it except by government order from any relevant authority, or by court jurisdiction.
User have permit the mGas Application and its staff in addition to the operator to record telephone calls to call center for each h transaction verification, records, and quality control.
It’s understood that mGas App shall not be liable for any loss, or damages, disclosure, of the data software, computer, telecommunication. Or other equipment used by the user.
mGas Disclaimer Policy
The of mGas App. is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any:
1. Damages or losses: material or moral caused by operators, as they are independent entities, who shall be liable fully and sole responsibility for their actions and performances.
2. Damage, loss or abuse: material or moral that customers cause to operators under any circumstances.
3. Since the purpose of the mGas Operator mobile application is limited exclusively to facilitate and organize the process of inquiring the replacement/ refill of gas cylinders by orange trucks that sell and distribute gas cylinders, along with some other products mentioned in the applications lists. Accordingly, the mGas Operator/ Driver shall not be liable any additional responsibility Regarding the commercial: method, terms , and arrangements of sale, purchase, receipt and delivery between users and operators of orange trucks, any additional changes to delivery procedure, replacement, or refill, shall only be subjected to written approval of mGas. App. , any other action by operator without prior approval of mGas Management shall remain sole responsibility and liability of the operator while compensating if any.
mGas shall not be liable for any responsibility, directly or indirectly, for any consequential damages or losses that may arise as a result of using the mobile application. The mGas also shall not be liable for any responsibility for the misuse of the mGas Operator mobile applications, with reference to the laws regulating information technology activity in the Sultanate of Oman.
4. The financial liability of the mGas towards the operator and the consumer is limited exclusively to the amount of the submitted order and paid through the application, and it is not responsible under any circumstances for any moral or material losses that resulted or may result from the delay in delivery or Non-delivery of the order, poor delivery, poor product or service, behavior or other material and moral damages, if the reasons seems related or not.
5. The mGas , shall remain committed to provide guidelines directly, and indirectly notices either in written or oral to the OT Operator towards their performance and behavior with the end consumer thus OT Operator is an independent individual/entity, mGas shall not be liable for their performance while executing the order.
6. The operator's lack of commitment to safety and security standards according to the Civil Defense.
7. mGas App., Call Center, and chatting feature, which is built in the application, might be managed directly or contracted by third party, in order to receive the orders and respond to the calls and inquiries.
8. mGas App. shall use its best effort to provide awareness in case the service, or part of it, is unavailable.
mGas Delivery policy
• During the delivery of any product by the user of the end application, if the user is not available at the address specified in the system, at the time of delivery confirmed in the order form or as modified and approved by agreement between the user/customer and the driver. It is not the responsibility of the application or the contracted orange truck operator to deliver the products ordered elsewhere. In this case, the user must accept all legal and financial liabilities arising from the delivery of the order through the mGas application to the selected address where the user is not available at the agreed delivery time. and the order could be considered to be duly canceled, considering the financial terms and conditions for refund and replacement, applicable to the payment method that was used, and the consumer must submit a new application if he wishes to.
• In case, the consumer does not comply with the agreed terms of receiving his order, the application has the right to demand delivery service amounts and/or ban the user from cash payments.
• The customer can choose the driver through the evaluation of other customers for his services when applicable.
• In the event of any misunderstanding between the customer and the driver, the customer service is contacted to solve the problem amicably.
• mGas App management is committed to deliver orders during the request time slot, plus/minus one hour.
Payment Policy for consumer:
• The customer is responsible to pay only the amount invoiced by the App. Any extra amounts inquired by operator needs to be reported directly to App. management through the claims page or by calling the call center.
• The customer has the option to pay his order by the payment options available on the application, and according to his registration type’s features.
• In some cases of offers, when prepaying with a bank card or Thawani, the consumer may enjoy the “prepayment discount” feature during certain offers. Please inquire through the call center.
Cancellation, Refund and Refund Policy
• Cancellations are only accepted before the status of the order is reported “on the road”.
• In the case of repeated cancellation of the request without reason, the end user may have to pay the delivery fee in case, the operator arrives at the end user’s area, and the decision is exclusively up to the assessment and evaluation of the application management.
• If the rejection is repeated more than three times, an understanding will be made with the client to find out the reasons for the rejection, and if the rejection is repeated within a month, he will receive a penalty from the application or could be blocked.
Replacement Policy
• For safety issues, the mGas App does not provide any return option after the cylinder or other product is delivered to the customer, it is the customer's responsibility to check the conformity and quality of the delivery before confirming the receipt. And the replacement option remains possible within 3 days exclusively in case of non-conformity as stated previously.
• The end user has the right to request replacing the gas cylinder only if it has a defect according to the official standards in force (manufacturing defect, leakage, valve not working, expiry date engraved on the gas cylinder, etc...).
• In the case that the consumer does not comply with the agreed-upon terms for receiving his order, the application has the right to keep / claim the delivery service fees amounts, and to ban the user, in cash payment case and refusing to pay.
Return & Refund Policy
• It is considered relevant only if the application is unable to deliver the order for some reason, and return request is approved by management, as per following terms. While the order amount is added to the user’s wallet account approved in the application, so that it can be used in future orders.
• The customer might transfer the amount to another person if he does not want the request or does not need it within a year, by applying for an exceptional approval from management.
•paying in cash:
There is no refund option for cash payments
• paying through Bank Muscat:
Submit a query for refunds by the end user mGas , which will forward them to bank muscat, where they will be processed as per their refund per this refund policy link.
• paying in Thawani:
According to their refund policies, please refer to the following link Continue Terms and Conditions following link
Value Added Tax Policy
• VAT is applied according to the laws in force.
Penalty, Discount Policy, draws and gifts
• The customer will be deducted the delivery cost in case of non-appearance at the delivery address when the orange truck arrives.
• Any gifts provided by the application, to be received from the main branch in Muscat, and the is not responsible for delivering gifts to other cities or to the winner's address.
Copyright Rights 2022
Copyright for this mobile app And its contents are owned by Muscat Gases Company SAOG
Terms and conditions for operators
Please read the terms and conditions carefully before using the mGas mobile application.
By using the mGas mobile application, for Orange trucks operators you agree to the terms and conditions set out below.
You agree that the mGas s Service, including but not limited to: mGas products, graphics, user interface, editorial content, text, and software used to implement the mGas Service, contains information and materials owned by Muscat Gas SAOG. or its licensors and is protected by intellectual property rights including but not limited to copyright and other laws. You agree that you will not use such information or materials in any way for personal or professional purposes except as necessary to use the mGas Service in accordance with this Agreement.
The mGas mobile application aims to facilitate Interaction and correspondence between operators and customers wishing to purchase gas cylinders through orange trucks using the mGas. App.
The mGas mobile application aims to provide a platform for receiving and distributing orders for: exchange, filling, receiving and delivery of gas cylinders, empty cylinders, regulators, spare parts, and other products and services to users of the operators’ platform or the consumers’ platform. Where the user of the mobile application submits the order and making payments through the mGas end user application via online payment solutions or cash to the operator of orange truck directly and the registered operator shall Be entitled to an agreed-upon amount in exchange of accepting and delivering the orders.
As the purpose of the mGas mobile application is to facilitate the communication between the end user and the operator of the orange truck for selling gas cylinders and as the developer and operator of the mGas mobile application, the mGas Management maintains the highest standards of safety and quality and aims to be accurate in the delivery of the order, Considering an acceptable margin of delay In emergency cases.
The operator is responsible for the weight, size, condition, type, time, and method of delivery of the gas cylinders, and other products. Moreover, he is not responsible for any difficulties, material, or moral damage that the consumer may experience or that may result from this sale.
mGas Privacy Terms
It should be noted that the mGas Management will strictly maintain the confidentiality of user information, will keep it in the database of the company and will not disclose it except by government order from any relevant authority, or by court jurisdiction.
User have permit the mGas Application and its staff in addition to the operator to record telephone calls to call center for each h transaction verification, records, and quality control.
It’s understood that mGas App shall not be liable for any loss, or damages, disclosure, of the data software, computer, telecommunication. Or other equipment used by the user.
The operator is obligated to maintain the privacy of consumer information and not to use it for personal purposes and not to disclose it to a third party or to use what he may see in an abusive manner. He is solely responsible for the ethical, legal and criminal consequences arising out or in connection from this use.
GasGo - Background Location Access
GasGo collects location data to enable order tracking and delivery updates even when the app is closed or not in use. This data is essential for:
- Tracking your order's progress to ensure timely and accurate deliveries.
- Providing real-time updates on your delivery status.
- Optimizing delivery routes for efficiency.
- Your location data will be used solely for the purposes described above and will not be shared with third parties without your explicit consent.
mGas Disclaimer Policy
The management of mGas Driver / Operatoris not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any:
1. Damages or losses: material or moral caused by operators, as they are independent entities, who shall be liable fully and sole responsibility for their actions and performances.
2. Damage, loss or abuse: material or moral that customers cause to operators under any circumstances.
3. Since the purpose of the mGas Operator mobile application is limited exclusively to facilitate and organize the process of inquiring the replacement/ refill of gas cylinders by orange trucks that sell and distribute gas cylinders, along with some other products mentioned in the applications lists. Accordingly, the mGas Operator management shall not be liable any additional responsibility Regarding the commercial: method, terms , and arrangements of sale, purchase, receipt and delivery between users and operators of orange trucks, any additional changes to delivery procedure, replacement, or refill, shall only be subjected to written approval of mGas. App. Management, any other action by operator without prior approval of management shall remain sole responsibility and liability of the operator while compensating if any.
4. mGas management shall not be liable for any responsibility, directly or indirectly, for any consequential damages or losses that may arise as a result of using the mobile application. The mGas management also shall not be liable for any responsibility for the misuse of the mGas Operator mobile applications, with reference to the laws regulating information technology activity in the Sultanate of Oman.
5. The financial liability of the mGas Management towards the operator and the consumer is limited exclusively to the amount of the submitted order and paid through the application, and it is not responsible under any circumstances for any moral or material losses that resulted or may result from the delay in delivery or Non-delivery of the order, poor delivery, poor product or service, behavior or other material and moral damages, if the reasons deemed related or not.
6. The mGas Management, shall remain committed to provide guidelines directly, and indirectly notices either in written or oral to the OT Operator towards his performance and behavior with the end consumer thus OT Operator is an independent individual/entity, mGas Management shall not be liable for their performance while executing the order.
7. The operator's lack of commitment to safety and security standards according to the Civil Defense, after he is being notified to commit to them.
8. mGas App., Call Center, and chatting feature, which is built in the application, might be managed directly or contracted by third party, in order to receive the orders and respond to the calls and inquiries.
9. mGas App. Management shall used its best effort to provide awareness in case the service, or part of it, is unavailable
The operator's responsibilities are
• Remain committed to inform the consumer to click the button “receipt of the order” when it is physically delivered to the customer and if it is not confirmed after 5 minutes of “delivery report” by the “operator” the call center will be alerted.
• Remind the customer to conduct the evaluation for the level of service satisfaction while pressing the “Order Received confirmation” botton is an obligation for: completing the delivery, entitlement, and releasing the amounts related to the order.
• The operator is solely responsible for the causes and damages as result of his poor evaluation by the customer.
• Operator shall remain committed to deliver any order within his principle geographic Area , moreover, covering of the surroundings areas “secondary areas” and related liabilities, to be handeled by all other surrounding OT Operators collectively. so that the orders entrusted to him from secondary areas shall not exceed half of the total orders he accepts in his principle area.
• When the orders are not served, the operator shall remain fully responsible solely in his principle area and together with his limitrophe colleagues regarding the neighboring (secondary) areas, and the “area supervisor” has the right to take actions according to his authority based on the effects and results and according to the evaluation of the application management.
Delivery Policy
1. During the delivery of any product to the end user of the application, if the user is not available at the address specified in the system, at the time of delivery confirmed in the order form or as amended and approved mutually between the user/customer and the operator. It is not the responsibility of the application management or the contracted orange truck operator to deliver the products ordered elsewhere. In this case, the user must accept all legal and financial liabilities arising from the delivery of the order through the mGas application to the selected address where the user is not available at the agreed delivery time, and the order could be considered to be duly canceled, considering the financial terms and conditions for refund and replacement, applicable to the payment method that was used, and the consumer must submit a new application if he wishes to.
2. The operator must deal safely with people and property during the delivery, unloading and carrying of the cylinder.
3. The operator must abide to a safe standard of loading and unloading of the cylinder and not rolling it in any way and not leaving it outside the building/on the sidewalk/street, or any other irregular place, which maybe considered dangerous.
4. The operator must provide and use the unloading tire , the trolley, the carpet piece, the installation kit and abide to the standards agreed upon in advance, in accordance with laws and regulations.
5. Soap foam test should be applied by OT Operator after installing each gas cylinder for customer safety.
6. The OT operator should never under any circumstances suggest his services to the customer solely and outside the scope of the application, and if this is done, the mGas management has the right to stop his subscription and request any financial or moral compensation it finds appropriate.
7. Commitment to deliver the order within the required delivery period and to notify the call center of any potential delay as soon as it becomes obvious
8. In the event of any misunderstanding between the customer and the drive/ Operator, the customer service is contacted to solve the problem amicably.
collection and Payment Policy for Operator
The operator has the right to collect the amount invoiced by the App. And appearing on it only. Any extra amounts, related to any extra services inquired by consumer are subject to new order, or an edit of the order when permitted by the App. Any further breach or noncompliance needs to reported directly to App. Management through the claims page or by calling the call center.
The customer has the option to pay his order by the payment options available on the application, and according to his registration type features
- In some cases of offers, when prepaying with a bank card or Thawani, the consumer may enjoy the “prepayment discount” feature. Please inquire about it through the call center.
Cancellation, Refund and Refund Policy
Cancellation policy for Operators
• The operator can cancel his acceptance of the order "reject the order" as long as the App. System is allowing that and In the case of repeated “rejection of order" the operator would be inquired and then warned, then the appropriate action will be taken at the discretion of the management.
Replacement Policy
• For safety issues, the mGas App. does not provide any return option after the cylinder or other product is delivered to the customer, However, it is the operator's responsibility to check the conformity and quality of the product during handover, and to ask the customer to check the conformity at delivery before confirming the receipt.
• Within 3 days of delivery, bearing all costs, fees, and liabilities, the operator is fully responsible to replace product, or gas cylinder if it has a defect according to the official standards in force (manufacturing defect, leakage, valve not working, expiry date engraved on the gas cylinder, etc...).
Return & Refund Policy
It is considered relevant only if the application management is unable to deliver the order for some reason, and return request is approved by management, as per following terms.
•paying in cash:
There is no refund option for cash payments, while the order amount is added to the user’s wallet account approved in the application, so that it can be used in future orders.
•In the event of payment through Bank Muscat or Thawani, :
when the amount reaches the bank account of the application, the amount of the application is added to the account of the user's wallet approved in the application, so that it can be used in future applications, according to the following:
• paying through Bank Muscat:
Submit a query for refunds by the end user mGas , which will forward them to bank muscat, where they will be processed as per their refund per this refund policy link.
• paying in Thawani:
According to their refund policies, please refer to the following link Continue Terms and Conditions following link
Payment Policy for operator
- The operator undertakes to transfer the collected amounts to the application management on a daily basis and within a maximum period of 24 hours from the date of delivery of the application.
- Ensure that the amount matches the invoice.
- The operator undertakes to transfer the dues of the application from the amounts collected in cash to the account of the application management on a daily basis and within a maximum period of 24 hours from the date of delivery of the application.
- The operator shall be eligible for his financial entitlements against the order placed and delivered by him with the records in bank account on a monthly basis, so that the period does not exceed 30 working days from the date of the actual arrival of the amounts to the bank account of the application management.
- The operator undertakes to submit a daily report on the orders delivered and the amounts collected.
- The management of the application undertakes to submit weekly reports to the operator explaining the requests he submitted, the amounts related to them, and his balances with them.
- Operators must abide by the amounts stated in the order invoice and document any additional amount in writing in the event the customer requests additional services not included in the original request and informs the call center about it.
Value Added Tax Policy
• VAT is applied according to the laws in force.
Discount Policy, draws and gifts
• The operator undertakes not to take advantage of the offers or participate in the raffles and prizes allocated to the end user.
Copyright Rights 2022
Copyright for this mobile app And its contents are owned by Muscat Gases Company SAOG

Frequently Asked Questions
It is an application that provides a cooking gas delivery service and provides a link between customers and the gas delivery driver or seller through distribution trucks. The application provides a service for requesting new gas cylinders and refilling empty cylinders in addition to providing gas valves and other gas parts.
1. This mobile app is intended to facilitate, the communication, contact and delivery between those wishing to purchase gas cylinders and the delivery driver or seller through orange trucks.
2. This mobile app is intended to provide the sales and delivery of gas cylinders, empty cylinders, regulators, and other spare parts.
1. Download the mGas application, which is available in the Apple Store and Google Play.
2. Fill out the registration form.
3. Request the amount of gas you want, whether new gas or replacing old gas.
4. Choose the appropriate time, date, and method of receiving the order.
5. Choose the appropriate payment method.
5. Track your orde via the order tracking page.
The main service provided by the application is to order gas.
1. New Cylinder – 22 KG or 44 KG
2. Refill Cylinder - 22 KG or 44 KG
Users of the application can make the payment process
1. cash (available)
2. Bank Muscat (coming soon) / to (available)
3. Thawani (coming soon) / to (available)
For those wishing to join the gas delivery team via the application, contact:
1. 98850895
2. 22526926